Day 3 - Reflection

Today's Targets
Eventhough I had little time I finished today's targets. I created the interactive object behaviour and I programmed the camera switch.

When I was working on the interactive object behaviour I was determined to write a shader for this, because I don't like the halo. I spent way to much time on creating the shader and I'm still not satisfied on how it look, so I'll probably scrape it and start over again. But that's a task for later. Allthough I was again going into detail to early in the proces, I manager to recognize my behaviour, and moved onto the next task. I had more luck with the camera switch script and didn't ancounter any issues. Only want to change the switch from monitor view to first person view into another function or key binding, once I've designed that part.

Tomorrow's Targets
I have a lot of catching up to do, because I had so little time today. So tomorrow I plan on doing much programming. For starters I'm going to change the character rotation from vertical input into mouse movement. And I'd like to start working on either the dialogue system or the puzzle/challenge system.
