Global planning

For this project I made a global planning I can consult to see if I'm on the right track.

I have 11 days to complete this project. The deadline is June 30 at 12:00 PM. I've devided my project into three stages. The first stage is pre-production, the second stage is production and the final stage is polishing.

Day 01 - June 20 - Pre-production
Day 02 - June 21 - Pre-production
Day 03 - June 22 - Production
Day 04 - June 23 - Production
Day 05 - June 24 - Production
Day 06 - June 25 - Production
Day 07 - June 26 - Production
Day 08 - June 27 - Production
Day 09 - June 28 - Production
Day 10 - June 29 - Polishing
Day 11 - June 30 - Polishing

I've devided my project into three stages. The first stage is pre-production, the second stage is production and the final stage is polishing.

Pre-production tasks
  • project set up
  • game architecture
  • planning set up
  • class structure
  • folder structure
  • test scene set up
  • camera set up
  • audio set up
Production tasks
  • player movement
  • camera switch
  • point-and-click
  • npc script
  • audio implementation
  • dialogue system
  • interactive objects
  • GUI
  • puzzle elements

Polishing tasks
  • modeling
  • scene lighting
  • textures/shaders
  • camera tweaking
  • code clean up
  • project clean up
