
Hello world!

My name is Jamie Scheepers and I'm a C# programmer.  I've created this blog to document my process on a knowledge assignment. The assignment will provide an indication of my programming skills. For this project I will be programming in C# using the Unity engine. Concept I've decided to make a small puzzle game/experience for this assignment. In this game you will be playing a C# programmer and it's your first day at work. You're the only one at the office today, but no worries, you'll be guided through the day by a kind robotic voice. What seems to be a quiet first day, turns out to be a day full of trouble. All sorts of thing go wrong a nd it's up to you to fix it! I came up with this concept, because I thought it would double test my coding skills. Not only do I have to program the game, I also have to come up with interesting programming puzzle elements. Besides, I can start off with a small game and add more content along the way.  My dea...

Day 9 - Targets

Today is the last official day of the production stage. Which means I need to have all elements implemented and working from game start to finish.  I really need to focus on having a complete and working game and leave the tweaking and polishing for the next two days! Targets Start to finish scene switch Title screen (simplified!) Create end of game Monitor scene hub Dialogue system Implement audio Beside these tasks I also need to prepare for tomorrow's presentation for YCP. So I really hope I'll get it all done in time!

Day 8 - Reflection

Today's targets I finished all of my targets today. Some took me a little longer, that's why I'm still up at 3AM :) But I have a working challenge UI and a system/framework to implement challenges. Reflection It's been a day full of trial and error. For everything I changed or added in the challenge UI I do a quick test run. Because if I change many things at once, it sometimes gets harder to find the root to the problem.  There are so many new things I learn each day, by watching tutorials, reading documentation and API, but most of all by just trying. I've noticed that I created a nice workflow today and I was very concentrated. When I started this project I'd been out of the game for a little while, and I felt very rusty at the beginning. But now that I've been programming each day and gaining experience I function way better. It's like riding a bike! Tomorrow's targets Title screen / start menu Tweak challenge implementation (UI) Dia...

Day 8 - Progress

I have to work even harder, because the deadline is getting very close! Challenge System - Test Run There were some issues with the test run, I had some trouble setting the right conditions for the Test Run. Each time I thought I'd figured it out, it turned out to be that only part of the conditions were actually checked. I tried different approaches, but settled on a system where I check for the amount of answers given in the draggable item and I check for right/wrong answers in the dropzone script (which I finished yesterday). At first I tried to get everything into the dropzone script, but it didn't make any sense and was giving me one error after another. My approach for the amount of answers is to first check if the dragged item came from the same panel or not. If it's from a different panel I have to modify the integer, if not, the amount of given answers stays the same. My console (in the image above) shows: when I dragged the i...